Wednesday, February 23, 2011

february 23rd daily response

1.    What do you see? Describe what is happening.
A: i See a teenage girl laying on the concrete floor next a puddle and the sky is reflect off the puddle but it looks like shes laying in the sky .
2.    What Colors, Shapes, and Lines?
A: i see a pretty baby blue && white and dark blues from her dress and a gold type color from the sun .  

3.    Use to write down 5 expressive words that relate to the image.
 A: odd, complex,bizarre, mysterious,unusual. 
4.    Interpret the photograph. What is the meaning of this image?  
 A:This picture maybe means that imagination can take you anywhere or maybe it means that your mind can play tricks on you . 

5.    IN A FULL SENTENCE, EXPLAIN HOW this image uses one of the Rules of Composition listed below:     
Rules of Composition
·       The Rule of 3rds
o    Horizon Line in upper or lower 3rd
o    Imaginary Grid with the Money Spots!
o    Odd numbers are more interesting
·       Simplicity
o    Clean, uncomplicated backgrounds
o    Clear focus on point of interest
·       Actual and Implied Lines
o    Vertical, Horizontal, Diagonal
o    Compositional Triangle

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